不要等到最后一刻才准备 P坐 / NMSQT®.

为2025届及以下的学生准备的, 坐 and P坐 有 successfully transitioned to a digital format. 我们会帮你的! 访问这里 报名参加免费的数字练习考试, 探索资源, 试一试演示, 并了解更多bat365过渡的信息.


We promise your Revolution tutor will be the best private tutor you’ll 跟我一起工作,否则你一分钱都不会给. 我们对质量很有信心 of our tutors that if you decide to cancel for any reason within 前30天*是免费的.

备考私教 小组考试准备

*First 30 days or 6 hours of tutoring completed (minimum 1 session), whichever comes first.

P坐 / NMSQT® 基础知识

P坐是初级坐的缩写®. P坐 / NMSQT®,其核心是一个实践版本的 坐®, as the two tests are similar in structure and assessed content areas. P坐 / NMSQT® is also known at the NMSQT (国家优秀奖学金 Qualifying Test). P坐 / NMSQT® 有 four sections for a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes, and the exam is scored on a 320-1520 point scale, with two subsections (combined Reading/ Writing and Language and 数学) each 得分在160到760之间. P坐 / NMSQT® 不包括一篇文章. 对于青少年, performance on the P坐 can qualify them for 国家优秀奖学金 consideration. 对于所有学生,P坐 / NMSQT® is a great opportunity to gain practice for the summative 评估(坐® 和/或行为®),这将出现在他们的大学申请上.


注册P坐 / NMSQT考试® 联系你的学校辅导员. 了解你的学校什么时候提供考试: P坐 / NMSQT® 高中搜索

谁参加P坐 / NMSQT考试®?

Juniors hoping to gain testing experience and/or potentially qualify for a 国家优秀奖学金. At many 学校, sophomores (and possibly freshmen) will also be offered the opportunity to sit for the 考试, but only juniors are 有资格获得奖学金.


国家优秀奖学金 Program is an academic scholarship competition open to high school juniors based upon their performance on P坐 / NMSQT® 和其他 学术和个人因素.

国家优秀奖学金 Corporation (NMSC) uses P坐 / NMSQT® 选择 Index score (double the sum of the Reading, Writing and Language, and 数学 test scores, a range of 48-228), as an initial screening of program entrants and to designate groups of students to receive recognition. 国家优秀奖学金 program is open to all high school students who meet the entry requirements. 每一个 1年以上.5 million high school students enter the competition:

P坐 / NMSQT测试的内容是什么®?

There are three main academic areas that are assessed on the P坐. 在阅读、 students are measured in their ability to read for main ideas, understand tone, draw inferences, and define vocabulary in context. 在数学方面,学生要接受评估 in their knowledge of concepts in arithmetic, geometry, and algebra I. 在写作中, students are tested in their understanding of standard grammar usage.

学生什么时候参加P坐 / NMSQT考试®?

所有学生都参加P坐 / NMSQT考试® on either the third Wednesday or Saturday in October.

我可以在哪里报名参加P坐 / NMSQT考试®?

学生注册P坐 / NMSQT® 通过他们的高中. 有什么问题吗 registration should thus be directed to a student’s guidance/college counselor. If a student’s school does not offer the P坐, the student can use the 大学理事会的 P坐 / NMSQT® 高中搜索工具 找一所学校在管理区域 P坐 / NMSQT®, and then contact that school to about registration procedures.

参加P坐 / NMSQT考试的费用是多少®?

P坐 / NMSQT的常规报名费® is $15.

我应该如何准备P坐 / NMSQT考试®?

There are several ways that a student can prepare for P坐 / NMSQT®. 学生应该 熟悉P坐的结构. P坐 / NMSQT®两个多小时后 is the longest test most students will take to that point in time, and being aware 这个独特的挑战是重要的. 学生也应该努力进一步发展 the academic skills being assessed by P坐 / NMSQT®. 理解文章的主要思想 reading passage, working with triangles, and understanding subject-verb agreement are just a sample of the cross-curricular skills that are covered on the exam. 学生应该 learn the particular way in which 问题s are asked on P坐 / NMSQT®. As opposed to much of the math students experience in high school, 问题s on the P坐 / NMSQT® are asked in a less-straightforward way, which means that students must be particularly adept at identifying the core concept being assessed in a given 问题. The easiest way for students to gain experience with P坐 / NMSQT® 是 complete a full-length practice exam under conditions similar to the actual test. This experience will provide results that can inform and focus student 准备.

P坐 / NMSQT® 样品的问题

If f (x) = 3x2 + 4
f (2x) = ?

A) 12x2 + 4
B) 6x2 + 4
C) 6x + 8
D) 6x + 4
答: A

P坐 / NMSQT常见问题

P坐 / NMSQT的主要区别® 和坐® 是下面的:

  • 坐的数学稍微难一点® – not by much, but there are a handful of algebra 2 c 两门考试的概念.
  • P坐 / NMSQT® 没有作文吗.
  • P坐 / NMSQT® is about 2 hours and 45 minutes in length, whereas 坐® 大约是4 个小时. P坐 / NMSQT® thus gives students a taste of what to expect with the official 坐® 考试, but 坐 is a separate challenge in regards to mental endurance.

总的来说,这两个测试非常相似. Students will see much of the same of content on both, such as reading passages, writing passages, and multiple-choice math 问题s that are structured in a 同样的方式.

因为P坐 / NMSQT没有猜错的处罚®, students should not leave any 问题s blank at the 任一章节的结论. 学生应该 do all of the 问题s they know, then the 问题s on which they can eliminate some of the answers before guessing, and then randomly guess on any 剩余的问题.

There is no statistical advantage in one P坐 test date over another.

P坐 / NMSQT® 历史

1900 -大学入学的形成 考试委员会. This organization was established by university presidents to standardize the admissionprocess across 12 leading universities. 第二年,第一届大学理事会, 只进行论文考试.

1955 -国家优秀奖学金项目 begins as an academic scholarship program to reward scholastic achievement.

1971 -国家优秀奖学金公司 采用P坐 / NMSQT® as the qualifying test for scholarship consideration.

1997 -大学理事会增加了写作部分 P坐 / NMSQT®.

2015 -全面的P坐 / NMSQT® 重新设计了 生效.

2024 - P坐 / NMSQT® 测试完全数字化.


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